PRF and BioGel

Want to naturally increase collagen production, restore hair growth, or replace lost volume with your own cells? PRF is a revolutionary therapy that can do just that.

The utilization of Platelet-Rich Fibrin (PRF) Injections as an independent facial treatment promotes the generation of fresh collagen, improves microcirculation, and encourages the regrowth of healthy skin. The finest PRP is derived from your own blood, offering a naturally-occurring injectable that aids cellular support. The concentrated platelets and growth factors it contains can be effectively used for facial rejuvenation, hair restoration, or combined with dermal fillers to provide structural reinforcement.

PRF Injections - $550/syringe

Hair Restoration - $600 per treatment

15% off a series of 3

EZ PRF Microneedling Face - $600

Neck included for free

EZ PRF Microneedling Face  + Neck + Chest - $800

BioGel Injections - $750/syringe

What is PRF?

PRF stands for Platelet-Rich Fibrin. It is a byproduct of blood that is rich in platelets, growth factors, and other beneficial proteins. PRF is obtained by spinning a sample of the patient's blood in a centrifuge to separate its components. Unlike PRP, which is a liquid form of platelets, PRF is a gel-like substance that contains a higher concentration of platelets and leukocytes. PRF has been used in various medical and dental procedures to promote tissue healing and regeneration, including in facial aesthetics, oral surgery, and wound healing.

What is BioGel?

PRF Bio-gel aka EZ PRF Gel or Plasma-Gel is a filler-gel made from your own blood organically, whereas Liquid PRP and PRF are autologous plasma liquid made from your blood that become a gel in the tissue after injections. This is otherwise known as “Natural Filler” as it provides volume similar to a Hyaluronic Acid filler while being created from your own blood.

Where can PRF be used?


PRP/PRF is used while microneedling the face, neck, or décolletage to stimulate collagen, tighten the skin, minimize pore size, improve skin texture, diminish scarring, and improve the appearance of fine lines/wrinkles.

Hair Restoration

Suffering from a loss of hair on the scalp or hair scarcity in the beard area? PRF hair injections can solve that.


Increase collagen production by directly injection PRF in your areas of concern.

Where can BioGel be used?


Add hydration or volume to your lips. Want a more structured lip line? BioGel can help with that too.


Help add more structure back to your face by adding volume to your cheeks.


Provide a more symmetrical look by balancing out your chin.


One of the most popular treatment for men. Construct a more structured jaw with filler.

Nasolabial Folds (Smile Lines)

Reduce the heaviness around the mouth by adding the lost volume in your upper face.

Under Eyes

Hate the look of dark under eyes? By adding BioGel, there is more of a separation between the skin and the blood vessels that cause the dark affect.

How does PRF Work?

Platelet-Rich Fibrin (PRF) works by utilizing the regenerative properties of platelets and other blood components to promote tissue healing and regeneration. By delivering a concentrated mixture of platelets and growth factors to the treatment site, PRF stimulates the body's natural healing mechanisms, accelerates tissue repair, and promotes the regeneration of healthy tissues.

Here is a general overview of how PRF works:

  1. Blood collection: A small sample of the patient's own blood is collected, typically from the arm, using a syringe.

  2. Centrifugation: The blood sample is then placed in a centrifuge machine and spun at a specific speed for a designated time. This process separates the blood into its various components based on density.

  3. PRF preparation: After centrifugation, the blood separates into three layers: a top layer of platelet-poor plasma, a middle layer of PRF, and a bottom layer of red blood cells. The PRF layer is the desired component for treatment.

  4. Activation: The PRF layer, which is a gel-like substance rich in platelets, leukocytes, growth factors, and fibrin, is then collected and prepared for application. It can be used in its natural form or activated with calcium chloride or other agents to release growth factors and enhance its regenerative properties.

  5. Application: The prepared PRF is applied directly to the treatment area. It can be used in various medical and dental procedures, including facial aesthetics, wound healing, bone grafting, and soft tissue regeneration. The PRF promotes tissue repair, angiogenesis (formation of new blood vessels), and the recruitment of cells involved in the healing process.

How does PRF Hair Restoration Work?

PRF (Platelet-Rich Fibrin) therapy can be used as a hair restoration technique to stimulate hair growth and improve the health of hair follicles.

The growth factors present in PRF are thought to promote the proliferation of hair follicle cells, increase blood flow to the scalp, and stimulate the growth phase of the hair cycle. This can result in improved hair density, thickness, and overall hair quality over time.

It's worth noting that PRF hair restoration effectiveness may vary from person to person. It can take at least 3 treatments in order to see results.

Here's how PRF hair restoration typically works:

  1. Blood collection: A small sample of the patient's blood is collected, usually from the arm, using a syringe.

  2. Centrifugation: The collected blood sample is placed in a centrifuge machine and spun at a specific speed for a designated time. This process separates the blood into its various components, including PRF.

  3. PRF preparation: After centrifugation, the PRF layer, which is a gel-like substance rich in platelets, leukocytes, growth factors, and fibrin, is collected. It contains a concentrated amount of growth factors that can aid in hair regrowth.

  4. Scalp preparation: The scalp is cleaned and prepared for the PRF treatment. This may involve disinfection and the application of a local anesthetic to ensure comfort during the procedure.

  5. PRF injection: Using a fine needle or micro-needling technique, the prepared PRF is injected directly into the areas of the scalp experiencing hair thinning or hair loss. The growth factors and other bioactive substances in PRF are believed to stimulate the dormant hair follicles, promote new blood vessel formation, and improve the health and function of existing hair follicles.

  6. Follow-up treatments: Multiple PRF sessions may be recommended, typically spaced a few weeks apart, to maximize the potential benefits. The number of sessions required can vary depending on individual factors and the severity of hair loss.

How does BioGel work?

This cutting edge treatment in the aesthetic industry, utilizes a combination of your albumin that we have heated then cooled to form a “gel” which contains your prf. These two are then blended together to form your own natural filler! We can use this all over the face where you have volume loss and need skin rejuvenation. EZ Gel is a great alternative for those who do not want regular HA fillers injected. It’’s 100% natural, autologous, biostimulating, and volumizing.


  • This depends on the product used, the area injected, and the patient. Most patient’s will see results last for a few years.

  • Results will be noticable immediately! But your final outcome can take up to a month as your body continues to build collagen.

  • You cannot receive PRF injections while pregnant or breastfeeding.

  • This depends on your aesthetic goals! We will create a custom plan for you during your consultation.

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